Image of the week

Image of the week

The gorgeous Bishy Barnabee. Giving me Lana Del Ray vibes… 

Bishy is a Norwich based Drag Artist and creative. I photographed them a few years before this when House of Daze made their debut. (If you are in Norwich or were in Norwich at the time you will I’m sure have heard of House of Daze?!) This glam crew exploded Drag on to the Norwich scene and it’s now a big part or Norwich’s event calendar. 

Always huge fun to photograph. 

Follow Bishy’s work over on instagram 

To chat with me about commissions or make general enquiries feel free to email me . Follow me over on  instagram 

Image of the week

Image of the week.

This is dancer Andrea on a shoot for Movement Director Amy Ollett, who also made all the pieces for this shoot. The collection was called Movre. Amy did an interview with Blanc magazine in which she said  

      “My work synthesizes body and garment so that, without the other, neither fully exists.           The body is no longer a passive thing to be ‘dressed’ but creates the complete form.”

I don’t think anything I could say would express Amy’s work better than this quote from the artist herself.

We met having both gone to Norwich University of the Arts. Amy completing her MA (in fashion) and me my BA (in photography) Amy came to my degree show and I went to her MA show - but we didn’t know each other at the time but when Amy emailed to see if I wanted a coffee because she liked my work I was stoked because I remembered her work and as soon as her name popped up in my inbox I was excited. We’ve worked together a few times since 2017 and hopefully there will be more to come. 

We both share a love of movement, and an experimental approach. The creativity we have just clicks. 

Read Amy’s interview 

To chat with me about  commissions or to make general enquiries feel free to  email . Follow me over on  instagram 

Image of the week

Image of the week

Matt Hales, London 2018. If you have followed my work for a while you might see Matt as a familiar face. I’ve photographed him several times now. I find it interesting to work with people repeatedly, you get to know how each other work, you learn about each other and you get to chat about what’s been going on in life between now and when you shot together last. 

I’d photographed Matt in Norwich the previous year and at that point he was just about to move to London and by 2018 he’d done it. I was still Norwich based but was deciding on wether to move to London to do my MA or not (which I decided to put off and then when I was revisiting these plans at the start of 2020 covid struck…so those plans got put on hold again. Flash forward to 2023 and I feel more undecided than ever about where or what or even if to do my MA…)

This shoot ended up being pretty fruitful. I got a couple of images from this session accepted in to my PhotoVogue portfolio  An image was selected for the AND 2021 Photography Annual and a series of images were published on the online platform Journal East. I titled the series ‘Half Way to Somewhere’ - inspired by out chats on the day and my feelings at the time of being feeling like I was in a in between state, moment…

To discuss commissions or make general enquiries feel free to  email me . Follow me over on  instagram 

Image of the week

Image of the week.

Amy 2015. 

I can’t believe this was 2015, I remember this shoot so well, like it was actually yesterday. I remember how much we laughed, that we drank wine, that it was just me and Amy and a pile of clothes. The best of times.

Revisiting memories is another reason I will never tire of resharing work which has already been in existence a while. Social media can make you feel that only the ‘now’ is relevant. That’s fake news if you ask me. 

A reminder that I’m in ‘out of office’ mode Jan and Feb as I get the last bits completed to finish the house I’ve been doing up the last few months. I will be checking emails and social media intermittently but please bear with me. 

Image of the week

Image of the week.

Joel. Portfolio updates for Crumb Agency. 

Shot just before the pandemic, Joel was one of the last faces I photographed before everything shut down. Strange times. In more ‘now’ news, I’ve recently moved studios in Norwich,  so come spring I will be looking to do some test shoots and collaborations so if you need some new portfolio updates or if you have a creative collaboration idea please get in touch and we can chat as I will have a few spaces available to work on the basis of collaboration/skill swap. These free diary spaces aren’t suitable for commercial projects, sorry but feel free to get in touch with your job details to enquire about rates. 

That said - A reminder that I’m in ‘out of office’ mode Jan and Feb as I get the last bits completed to finish the house I’ve been doing up the last few months. I will be checking emails and social media intermittently but please bear with me. 

Image of the week

Image of the week.

Music artist Finn Doherty. Dec 2019. We actually shot this with the concept the final outcome would be colour images but once I started going through them I also made a set of black and white because I felt there was a really strong case for having both. I loved doing this shoot. We tried a few different ideas and Finn was happy for me to experiment which is where my happy place is. 

A reminder that I’m in ‘out of office’ mode Jan and Feb as I swap my call sheets for shoots to organising the last bits to finish the house I’ve been doing up the last few months. I will be checking emails and social media intermittently but please bear with me. 

Image of the week

Image of the week.

Documenting backstage at the Amesh SS18 show.Fashion Scout, London Fashion Week. Photographed for The Glass Pineapple.

The light in this area of Freemasons is so dreamy. 

A reminder that I’m in ‘out of office’ mode Jan and Feb as I swap my call sheets for shoots to organising the last bits to finish the house I’ve been doing up the last few months. I will be checking emails and social media intermittently but please bear with me. 

Image of the week

Image of the week

Documenting backstage at Pam Hogg SS20 Fashion Scout, London Fashion Week.

Life pre covid… 

A reminder that I’m in ‘out of office’ mode Jan and Feb as I swap my call sheets for shoots to organising tradespeople, lugging tools and boxes around and going crazy with wallpaper in the countdown to finishing the house I’ve been doing up the last few months. I will be checking emails and social media intermittently so bear with me  (and wish me luck!!)

Image of the week

Image of the week.

This is Movement Artist Amy Ollett photographed for my Norwich Fringe 2021 commission titled The Disco:Room 2021. You can read more about that here . I thought this was an apt image as we countdown to a new year. I wont be disco’ing it up New Years eve but I hope however you celebrate or don’t celebrate that you have a nice final day of 2022 and I’m sending positive vibes out to the universe for a good, kind, creative, calm 2023…

I’m going ‘out of office’ for several weeks as I finalise a house we are doing up so bear with me if you get in touch as I’ll only be checking emails and social media intermittently from now until the end of Jan and possibly Feb depending how it’s going! 

Image of the week

Image of the week

Andrew photographed for Morwenna Farrell October 2020.

This was such a fun shoot even if we had to be socially distanced in the studio. This was challenging especially when working with a team (much easier when it’s just two people) but Morwenna works in a really stripped back way anyway and we’ve always worked together as a small team - just me, her and models who do their own hair and makeup so the challenge wasn’t reducing the team, it was ensuring we were working safely, social distancing, making sure the studio was aired, hand gels, cleaning… I’m writing this in 2022 and mind blown by what we’ve all been through to be honest. 

Yet we made it work, we came together and worked hard to make good work to show Morwenna’s latest thrifted and wearable art collection in an intersting way, an editorial vibe to create images for social media and her Etsy shop.

Back in 2019 I interviewed Morwenna Farrell for Sans Pareil which you can find here if you fancy a read.

To discuss commissions or make general enquiries feel free to  email me . Follow me over on  instagram 

Image of the week

Image of the week 

Han Wen ss18 Fashion Scout, London Fashion Week.

More backstage moments, my archive of backstage work is pretty vast now and I hope at some point to make some time to go back and look at images I didn’t make ‘finals’ first time around. You’ll probably see lots more getting shared as image of the week over the next few months. Some might have been seen before and others will be getting shared for the first time. 

To discuss commissions or make general enquiries feel free to  email me . Follow me over on  instagram 

Image of the week

Image of the week - Documenting backstage at the Northbrook uni show at Graduate Fashion Week.

Shot for The Glass Pineapple.

Ah 2017 I loved this year and when I look back on it, my heart feels so full. This was the year I graduated uni. This was also the year I was a finalist in the Graduate Fashion Week Fashion Photographer award. I always love Graduate Fashion Week but that year was especially special for me. As always huge thanks to The Glass Pineapple and the GFW team for having me backstage to document all the incredible final collections of students from all over the country. I just LOVE LOVE LOVE seeing all the ideas and creations. 

To discuss commissions or make general enquiries feel free to  email me . Follow me over on  instagram 


Image of the week

Image of the week. 

India 2017. The good thing about having a journal is that it allows me a space to share more work than I could ever have in a portfolio and it’s a way that feels more permanent than instagram. This shoot was a styled test shoot. I’d been in this studio a few months, had graduated from uni this year and India had modelled during Norwich Fashion Week which I’d also worked on. It’s all vintage a second hand and was styled by Fabulous Miss K. We pooled our vintage to create a few different looks. I’m always keen to explore movement and this was one of my favourite shots of the day.

To discuss commissions or make general enquiries feel free to  email me . Follow me over on  instagram 

Image of the week

Image of the week -Amy (another week of Amy!)

I’ve worked with Amy so much on various projects. We are firm friends and creative collaborators. She’s been a vital part of my creative journey really and featured in both my degree show pieces which exhibited in London and Norwich. As I’ve mentioned in earlier journal entries the images we’ve made together over the years tell tales of our friendship as well as other ideas explored through the work - mainly the fun of second hand and vintage clothes, the joy of playing with style, the challenge of creating with fashion which already exists- all VERY important themes within my work. 

To discuss commissions or make general enquiries feel free to  email me . Follow me over on  instagram 

Image of the week

Image of the week

Backstage at Fashion Week Sept 2017. It’s quiet scary to double check the dates on files and see it was 5 years ago. Time the last couple of years has flown which is strange considering so much stood still… Just short musings this week as I need to spend time researching how I want to give my website a refresh but please have a scroll through the website and this journal and if it sparks something you want to chat about or if you want to commission me for your idea/project or if you have general enquiries feel free to  email me . Follow me over on  instagram  

Image of the week

Image of the week is a portrait of Stephen Balmer-Walters 

This image is just one from a series created from a commission by Stephen. I’ve photographed Stephen a few times, having met him on a shoot a few years ago. He came to me about creating some photos of him where he could celebrate his skin, his colour, his age, his confidence in his body image and he wanted to do this by making himself as vulnerable as he could be - he wanted to be naked. 

So we spent an afternoon creating a series of images, just the two of us and I will be eternally grateful that Stephen chose me to make these with him. It was such an honour. There’s honestly so many images from this session and I was so over the moon from Stephens reaction to them. This session, the outcomes and Stephen’s belief in me to bring his ideas together are something I will cherish for ever. 

To discuss commissions or make general enquiries feel free to  email me . Follow me over on  instagram 

Image of the week

Image of the week. Amy.

This was from a shoot with my dear friend and long time collaborator Amy Woodman. I wouldn’t call it a test shoot as such, more a chance to get together, raid the vintage and preloved rail and just make some work for the sheer joy of it. Catch up, chat about the world and add yet another shoot to the many we’ve done together over the years. If you’ve followed my work for a while you will be well used to seeing my work with Amy. What we didn’t realise at the time when we started working together and share our creativity - pool it if you like was that what we would go in to build is a body of work which celebrates our creative collaborations…our friendship. At some point I’ll collate these in to a curated body of work…

To discuss commissions or make general enquiries feel free to  email me . Follow me over on  instagram 

Image of the week

Image of the week - BECCI.

I shared an image from this shoot as last weeks image of the week but I enjoyed looking back through them so much I saved this one to share this week. Maybe it’s the onset of darker days, the fact the world feels quite heavy is making me long for sand, blue skies and the feeling of sunnier times (in more ways than one). If you missed last weeks image of the week you can see it/read about it here.

To discuss commissions or make general enquiries feel free to  email me . Follow me over on  instagram 

Image of the week

Image of the week BECCI.

This weeks image of the week is from a shoot with Becki Ball wearing a piece from her final graduate collection which she used to create her own brand BECCI. 

Becki is a 2020 graduate so we all now how her final months at uni went… and we shot this in August as things opened up again but social distancing was still a major thing. Shot outside on a norfolk beach this was the day I needed - creativity, a chance to explore, new surroundings, the challenge of working with someone new and communicating at a distance… This day created so much work which I’m still incredibly proud of when I look back on them with a 2022 gaze. 

Becki was incredibly easy to work with and her pieces were beautiful to photograph.  I just feel like we made so much work that day, such a productive time. I also took some footage to create some video art. 

It felt amazing and freeing to be out under the beautiful Norfolk blue skies and work with the sand under my feet. *Note to self - visit the beach more. It’s good for the spirit.

To discuss commissions or make general enquiries feel free to  email me . Follow me over on  instagram 

Image of the week

Image of the Week. Eto.

We made this image just after we’d finished the shoot for Disorder Magazine . Eto is wearing a piece made by Jack Wildish. We’d used another piece of Jacks work in the shoot and when I was chatting to Jack to plan the shoot they said they had another piece which was a new piece they were working on and so after the Disorder shoot, we switched it up created a new scene and made some work with this amazing piece. I’ve always taken a gender neutral approach to fashion and when I saw Jacks final graduate collection ‘Sad Boys’ I was really keen to work with his pieces.  This image and the Disorder Shoot was styled by Alex Hill - a creative I love working with. 

I’m always intersted in working with emerging designers, graduates and students working on interesting concepts so please feel free to reach out to me if you’d be intersted in working with me 

Follow me over on  instagram 


Image of the week

Image of the week - KTZ SS18 London Fashion Week.

Another runway shot, maybe I’ll have a mooch through the archives and see of theres any others jumping out at me to share from various shows. Maybe once I get looking I’ll be inspired to create some new edits, or notice images worth sharing which I may have missed in the rush to shoot>edit>send to the person who commissioned this work. Fashion week is a crazy fast pace. I shared another image from this show and wrote  a few musings over on last weeks image of the week post which you can read here if you missed it.

To discuss commissions, have me document your fashion show/event etc or just general enquiries feel free to  email me . Follow me over on  instagram 

Image of the week

Image of the week KTZ SS18 London Fashion Week.

I’ve got A LOT of runway stuff in my archives but I don’t share it that much anymore as it’s not the side of fashion week I like best and so I tend to throw the backstage images out to the universe, maybe so I can manifest more opportunities or because that’s the work which has my heart more? 

However, when I did shoot runway I was lucky enough to working for an online fashion platform The Glass Pineapple (sadly now defunct) and Alex who ran it, gave me a large amount of creative control to photograph things my way. So yes with runway there is the huge pressure to capture ALL the looks but Alex also allowed me the space to document the shows, try to record the energy rather than just capture a model walking. 

To discuss commissions, have me document your fashion show/event etc or just general enquiries feel free to  email me . Follow me over on  instagram 

Image of the week

Love looking back through the scenes backstage at this show so this weeks image of the week is Vin and Omi SS20. Once again a reminder that i pick these image of the weeks at random so I share whatever catches my heart/eye/brain at the time of choosing and I don’t cross check if I’ve already used an image as an image of the week so there maybe repeats, if so this just goes to prove I curate these posts with emotion not a detached methodology. Which probably sums up my approach to making work in general. 

To discuss commissions, have me backstage to document your fashion show/event etc or just general enquiries feel free to email me  

Follow me over on  instagram 

Image of the week

Image of the week - music artist Finn Doherty.

I LOVE getting together with creatives to work on creating an image library. This was such great session with Finn. I created a few different ‘scenes’ and the result was a library of images Finn could use to promote his music across socials, promo material, poster art etc.

To have a chat about building your own image library to promote and share your amazingness then get in touch and we cat chat ideas, bring your own concept for me to work with or if you’re stuck or unsure I can work with you and we can come up with a concept/plan together.

To discuss commissions or general enquiries feel free to email me  

Follow me over on  instagram 

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