Image of the week

Image of the week

Andrew photographed for Morwenna Farrell October 2020.

This was such a fun shoot even if we had to be socially distanced in the studio. This was challenging especially when working with a team (much easier when it’s just two people) but Morwenna works in a really stripped back way anyway and we’ve always worked together as a small team - just me, her and models who do their own hair and makeup so the challenge wasn’t reducing the team, it was ensuring we were working safely, social distancing, making sure the studio was aired, hand gels, cleaning… I’m writing this in 2022 and mind blown by what we’ve all been through to be honest. 

Yet we made it work, we came together and worked hard to make good work to show Morwenna’s latest thrifted and wearable art collection in an intersting way, an editorial vibe to create images for social media and her Etsy shop.

Back in 2019 I interviewed Morwenna Farrell for Sans Pareil which you can find here if you fancy a read.

To discuss commissions or make general enquiries feel free to  email me . Follow me over on  instagram 

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