A very quick peak from backstage at Graduate Fashion Week 2017. A bit of a busy one because as well as photographing the event I was also nominated for the Fashion Photography Award (you can read about that here) This is one of my favourite events to photograph. Before I began working it, I had a few years of going to watch the shows and see the latest work of the next wave of fashion graduates. Everything about it just feels special - there’s a real sense of energy as hundreds of graduates gather to to share the fruits of their labour with industry and attendees. There’s really such a great spirit.
Images below shot whilst working for The Glass Pineapple

Edinburgh uni

Edinburgh uni

Edinburgh uni

Designer Hattie Crowther

Designer Hattie Crowther

Designer Hattie Crowther

Designer Hattie Crowther

Northbrook Uni

Northbrook Uni

Northbrook Uni

I’ll share more as soon as I can on my blog and on my instgram so stay tuned. You can also keep and eye on The Glass Pineapple website to see more of my work as I was there shooting for them. They are great at sharing on their IG to so there’s lots of my images around already with lot more to come. 

To discuss commissions, ask about prints or general enquires feel free to email me  

Follow me over on  instagram 

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