Image of the week

Image of the week is a 2022 re-edit of a 2015 image of Amy Woodman. 

I was invited to be part of the Creative Lives ‘New Beginnings’ project last year. Designed to be a way for people to reflect on the recent times through submitting photographs to an open call, as well as giving an interview/workshop on Radio Norfolk, and artist talk at the exhibition opening night I also had to enter work myself.

So this was one of the images. It felt apt for me to enter something new yet old so I delved in to my archives and this image is from a series I’ve always loved looking back on. Partly because of the energy but also because I love making with Amy and we just laughed so much on this shoot, the sole purpose of which was just to get together and make work purely for shits and kicks. No commercial outcome, just catching up. Me, Amy and a camera. 

Another reason I felt compelled to go through my archives when submitting was because this was something I spent a lot of time doing during the lockdowns…once I’d settled in to calmer headspace. To swap the rolling news which I’d become fixated on for losing myself in my hard drives whilst listening to music, saved me mentally in many ways. I remember in the summer of 2020 someone expressing regret that they hadn’t gone out and created a visual response at the time and now they’d missed their chance (not knowing that there was more to come…) but my response to this idea that the moment had been missed was that people would be responding to the world changing event for years to come… 

To chat with me about commissions or make general enquiries, suggest ideas on how we can work together, feel free to email me . Follow me over on  instagram 

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